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Stand, support for Oasis bathtub

Stand, support for Oasis bathtub

Regular price HK$535.50
Regular price HK$630.00 Sale price HK$535.50
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This elevating support will allowyouto bathe your baby during its first year at a comfortable height, withouttheneed to bend down. Installing and uninstalling the Oasis bathtub is averysimple process and once bath time is over, the legs fold up occupyingminimalspace. Includes plug with drain, transparent drain tube and tube holderthatcan be attached to the top edge of the OASIS.
The Stand support makes bathtub installation easy with just two centralanchorpoints.
Purchase of the Stand support includes a drain plug and transparentdrainagetube.

The transparent drainage tube canbehung on the Stand support to keep it tidy.

- Support compatible with theOasisfoldable bathtub.

- With side locks to hold thebatht ubin the support.

- Just like the Oasis bathtub,this support offers super compact folding so it can be stored anywhere.


Product dimensions

Open: 80 x 62 x 95 cm

Folded: 80 x 15 x 108 cm

Passes EN17072

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